All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 70 in total

#40 How you can build bonds through video games

Is it possible to build actual bonds, long-lasting and meaningful friendships and relationships through video games? We think so, and this week we wanted to talk about...

#39 The best video game myths and rumors

For as long as there have been games, there have been terrible and heartbreaking rumors made by their players. Today we wanted to talk about some of our favorites, fro...

#38 The DEFINITIVE Fast Food Tournament (feat. AntDude & SomecallmeJohnny)

Today on the Crubcast, Kevin hosts a 32-restaurant fast food tournament, debated and voted on by Trav and special guests SomecallmeJohnny and AntDude - with a twist: E...

#37 Is "bad" really better than "boring"?

It's something we've heard a lot in reviews and critical assessments over the years, that "bad" is better than "boring", but do we agree with that? Or did it just soun...

#36 Which dead genre should Fortnite revive next?

With Rocket Racing and Fortnite Festival, Fortnite revived two dead gaming genres at once in an interesting way. Naturally, this made us sit down and wonder what other...

#35 Why do we collect things?

When it comes to #gamers, a lot of us collect things. It just goes hand in hand, you collect things in games, so naturally you may be compelled to in real life. Whethe...

#34 Is video game music *real* music?

Effectively a subgenre of the "Are video games art?' question, "Is video game music real music?" has often been a question asked. We'll cut to the chase here like we d...

#33 The hypothetical "worst game sequel" bracket

We challenged ourselves to do a bracket of the worst *hypothetical* game sequels, ones made to be bad on purpose, to figure out which would be the absolute WORST. Prep...

#32 Crub's Big Fat Quiz Show of 2023

2023 is in the books, and we celebrate its demise the only way we know how. With a quiz about the year! With our host Nicco, we'll see how Justin, Moriarty, and Chris ...

#31 Crub predicts 2024 (scientifically)

2024. A year that will be filled with ups and downs. Fortunately, we are crubvoyant and can see the future. A presidential Fortnite skin, game delays, deaths, rebirths...

#30 Games we only loved after giving them an actual chance

It's easy to look at a game and make a snap judgment on it, and it's even easier to do so when everybody is talking about the game constantly. In this episode, we want...

#29 Our favorite comfort media

Family Guy. Super Mario Sunshine. Shovel Knight. Fall Out Boy. What do all of these things have in common? Not much. However, they are all comforting things to our cru...

#28 Creating (and ruining) our ideal 'Crub Direct'

This week on the Crubcast we created our ideal 'Crub Direct'...with a catch. Each member brought their dream game, but also a way to ruin the others' game. Then we vot...

#27 Our predictions for The Game Awards

With The Game Awards 2023 approaching in just a couple of weeks, we got together to give our picks for the categories in addition to predicting what will win the Keigh...

#26 How game series we loved can win us back

This week on the Crubcast we thought we'd talk about game series that lost us along the way, and how they can get us back. Assassin's Creed, Overwatch, Silent Hill, an...

#25 Our Spider-Man 2 (PS5) spoilercast

It's been 3 weeks since the release of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, so we figured enough time had passed to give our spoiler-filled thoughts on the game! Get our thoughts on...

#24 Reading creepypastas with CreepyElliot

Happy Halloween! To celebrate this chilling holiday, we enlisted Creepyelliot to read some spine-tingling stories with us...and also some about Banjo's depression and ...

#23 The first annual crub game mascot draft

Welcome to the first ever inaugural video game mascot draft! Each of our 4 hosts will pick from a (very incredibly good) list of game mascots to round out their team, ...

#22 Deciding the BEST PS2 game (scientifically)

Today on the Crubcast our extremely qualified panel of PS2 experts joined together to scientifically determine the BEST PlayStation 2 game. We conducted a vigorously s...

#21 How we peaked in high school

On today's episode of the Crubcast e decided to discuss how we peaked in high school. Bullying, not helping out those in trouble, a deer on school grounds, and the sna...

#20 What are the most useless inventions?

Throughout time there have been many, many....many inventions. Some are useful and have improved our everyday lives. However, some are seemingly useless. These inventi...

#19 How we play choice-driven games

One of the many things that helps to set video games apart as an entertainment medium is choice. Sometimes it is merely an illusion, and sometimes a crucial decision c...

#18 Things no one warned us would suck

This week on the Crubcast, Chris just wanted to blow the whistle on his first job. He also wanted to talk about boring things in adulthood that no one warns you will s...

#17 We created our own cryptid

Today on the Crubcast we bring you a tale of a creature from Delaware. One so feared for its outrageous fondness for feet that its made waves through all of the...very...

#16 Guessing games based on Steam reviews

Sean brought reviews for a whole bunch of games on Steam to the bois this week, and we had to guess which game they are solely based on a potential hint and the text o...

#15 Our favorite weapons in video games

This week on the podcast we wanted to talk about the most satisfying, crunchiest, brutal, or otherwise just plain fun weapons in video games. Nicco talks about a spatu...

#14 Inventions that changed everything

Certain inventions (and even media) come along that change everything. Breath of the Wild, YouTube, the iPhone? Maybe not the iPhone. But when they do they leave a col...

#13 Times we felt like characters in a sitcom

This week on the Crubcast we wanted to share our stories of times when we were in the most unfortunate of circumstances, experiences that featured everything but the l...

#12 How infinite content has killed "water cooler" talk

The practically infinite amount of media today is a good thing. There's always something to do, enjoy, or be baffled by. However, it has also led to an immense diversi...

#11 Competition and eSports in gaming

Competition in gaming goes all the way back to the hobby's roots. While it's a part of gaming we all acknowledge as being an essential part of it, we don't always brin...

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