

Brody is the owner of the RACROX channel on YouTube. Ask him about the Spyro remakes.

Appears in 42 Episodes

#92 What happens if you drink Olaf?

When Olaf melts and reconstitutes, is it the same Olaf? When you drink Olaf and he reforms later, is THAT the same Olaf? Does he remember that experience, or is he bor...

#90 An argument against faithful remakes

As time goes on, more and more we have to ask ourselves...what is the point of a faithful game remake? When a game can either be ported or entirely transformed with mo...

#89 We talk about the Switch 2 and Brody's house

Honestly, we did not plan for this week's episode. That will show. We concluded that it was simply more fun to bully Brody for existing than speculate on the Switch 2....

#88 We put Justin on trial for his crimes

Jtart9 has gotten away with too much for too long. He plays gacha games, has rendezvous with Bernie Sanders, and skips court when he's on trial. We need your help to d...

#86 Crub's Big Fat Quiz Show of 2024

2024 was a year with 12 entire months, so we decided to do a quiz that accidentally focused mostly on just 5 of those. If you've ever wanted to see 3 entirely ill-equi...

#85 Scientifically determining GameCube's BEST game (Part 2)

Last week we scientifically whittled down some of the GameCube's not-best games. This week we're back to finish the job. 2 entire hours of science-backed reasoning, fo...

#84 Scientifically determining GameCube's BEST game (Part 1)

For many millennia, the GameCube hasn't had anyone question what its best game is. As the years rolled by, all of its games went to get better versions on other platfo...

#82 Sean's video game trivia quiz from hell

We bully our friend Sean about every single thing he ever does. He drafted a bit of payback for us by way of devious gaming trivia questions. We've truly paid for our ...

#81 Our holiday gaming memories (gone wrong)

We intended for this to be a nice, holiday spirit type of episode. The universe had other plans in store. We are sorry. Please tell us your best and coziest holiday ga...

#78 Guessing the prices of sold games on eBay again

Justin needed an excuse to taunt Chris over the death of Concord again. So now this episode of our podcast exists. Can you guess how much a Guns and Roses t-shirt sell...

#77 Worst Mario Party minigames to get transported to

It's bad enough to play a Mario Party, but what if you were transported INTO a Mario Party? Jumping fire ropes, cooking steaks, mowing lawns, pumping Bowser...honestly...

#72 Has gaming finally had its craziest spinoff?

We swear this episode is about spinoffs such as Like A Dragon: Yakuza Pirate in Hawaii (real name), but we also take some detours to bully the Concord Discord, and als...

#71 Which Zelda character could win the election?

It's an election year, and we figured we'd bravely step forward and tackle the REAL questions weighing our minds. Could a scandal tank Groose? Is the falling moon a ho...

#70 Worst game to play at a funeral

What is the worst video game to play at a funeral? And nothing easy, like 'Shower With Your Dad Simulator', what is the actual worst video game to play at a funeral? T...

#67 Games that are hard carried by their stories

Typically, we'd urge that gameplay is king in a video game. However, things aren't always so black and white. Sometimes the gameplay is just OK, but we can't help but ...

#64 What can the MCU do to win us back?

Robert Downey Jr returning to the MCU raised a lot of eyebrows. Some were hyped, some were deflated...and then there's us. We're fancying ourselves representative of t...

#62 Debating the list of best games ever

Recently over on reddit, IlmeniAVG sourced more than 100 publication's top game lists and aggregated them all into an incredibly interesting list. For funsies, we deci...

#61 Our favorite games of the year (so far)

2024 has been one of the years of all time for games! A lot have come out, some quickly forgotten, some we're still playing. Today we figured we'd do a little midpoint...

#60 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater: The Musical, and more

We decided to spin a wheel, a wheel that would add modifiers to existing games. Then we hashed out how these would play out in real life. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater: The M...

#58 Remembering the mixed era of Kickstarter games

Crowdfunded games still happen, but there was a surge of them in the 2010's. For better or worse, many, many notable games were enthusiastically funded by fans. Yooka-...

#57 What makes trading card games fun?

TCGs have been taking over Crub bit by bit over the last couple of years, especially for Pokemon TCG for Nicco and Justin. This week we wanted to tackle what makes the...

#55 The rise of the "meme" game

Who doesn't love a good meme? Even gaming is no stranger to the meme infiltration, today we wanted to discuss games designed to be a meme (for better or worse), games ...

#53 Guessing the prices of sold games on eBay - Rate Is Great

Justin made us guess the eBay prices of games, medical equipment, and limited-edition Taylor Swift records this week. If you get that last one right, you get one crub ...

#51 We're glad E3 is dead (really)

We're not afraid to say it. E3 had its pros, but given some space since its demise we've begun to feel that it may have been a net positive for Gamer Week to go away. ...

#45 What happens AFTER a game's story?

On this week's show we talk about what happens NEXT in stories with cataclysmic events. How do you come back from the Thanos snap? What's the point of living in a zomb...

#44 The Crub Dating Show Game

We love our good friend Justin. Perhaps a little too much. So, we put on a dating game show with 3 contestants to earn his undying love (or to at least earn a call bac...

#43 Open world game design versus linear

This week's episode is broadly about linear vs open world game design, but also touches on a lot of other topics along the way (as you'll see in the show notes). Let u...

#42 Games that really didn't need sequels

Gaming really loves its sequels. As soon as a game comes out we're often inclined to start imagining what it's successor will be like. In some cases, however, sometime...

#40 How you can build bonds through video games

Is it possible to build actual bonds, long-lasting and meaningful friendships and relationships through video games? We think so, and this week we wanted to talk about...

#39 The best video game myths and rumors

For as long as there have been games, there have been terrible and heartbreaking rumors made by their players. Today we wanted to talk about some of our favorites, fro...

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