

Chris is the owner of the MykonosFan channel on YouTube. He hasn't been to Mykonos.

Appears in 36 Episodes

#16 Guessing games based on Steam reviews

Sean brought reviews for a whole bunch of games on Steam to the bois this week, and we had to guess which game they are solely based on a potential hint and the text o...

#13 Times we felt like characters in a sitcom

This week on the Crubcast we wanted to share our stories of times when we were in the most unfortunate of circumstances, experiences that featured everything but the l...

#11 Competition and eSports in gaming

Competition in gaming goes all the way back to the hobby's roots. While it's a part of gaming we all acknowledge as being an essential part of it, we don't always brin...

#9 Discussing our favorite indie spiritual successors in gaming

This week on the crubcast, we got together to talk about our favorite indie spiritual successors in gaming. Stardew Valley, Pizza Tower, Spark the Electric Jester 2, U...

#5 We Wish Tabletop Gaming Was Easier

Nothing beats sitting down for a good tabletop game. Whether it be board games, TCGs, role playing games, getting together with your friends can be a highlight of a mi...

#2 What Makes a Video Game Showcase Great?

This week on the Crubcast, Chris and Brody formally introduce themselves and explain how they became members of crub. Also included is the story of when Brody tried TH...

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