

Nicco is the artist behind AllHailBuckets, his personal music project. He has a TikTok.

Appears in 44 Episodes

#21 How we peaked in high school

On today's episode of the Crubcast e decided to discuss how we peaked in high school. Bullying, not helping out those in trouble, a deer on school grounds, and the sna...

#20 What are the most useless inventions?

Throughout time there have been many, many....many inventions. Some are useful and have improved our everyday lives. However, some are seemingly useless. These inventi...

#18 Things no one warned us would suck

This week on the Crubcast, Chris just wanted to blow the whistle on his first job. He also wanted to talk about boring things in adulthood that no one warns you will s...

#16 Guessing games based on Steam reviews

Sean brought reviews for a whole bunch of games on Steam to the bois this week, and we had to guess which game they are solely based on a potential hint and the text o...

#15 Our favorite weapons in video games

This week on the podcast we wanted to talk about the most satisfying, crunchiest, brutal, or otherwise just plain fun weapons in video games. Nicco talks about a spatu...

#14 Inventions that changed everything

Certain inventions (and even media) come along that change everything. Breath of the Wild, YouTube, the iPhone? Maybe not the iPhone. But when they do they leave a col...

#12 How infinite content has killed "water cooler" talk

The practically infinite amount of media today is a good thing. There's always something to do, enjoy, or be baffled by. However, it has also led to an immense diversi...

#9 Discussing our favorite indie spiritual successors in gaming

This week on the crubcast, we got together to talk about our favorite indie spiritual successors in gaming. Stardew Valley, Pizza Tower, Spark the Electric Jester 2, U...

#8 Making minimme confess to his crimes

This week, unofficial 9th crub member minimme joins us for a chat! We dig into his approach to YouTube, ask him what non-graphical improvements he wants to see in futu...

#7 Why Is The Internet Dying Right Now?

2023 has been a tumultuous year for the 3 main websites we all seem to go to, especially for Twitter and reddit. What's going on? Why is this happening? And what are w...

#6 How Our Entertainment Tastes Have Changed Over Time

We wanted to look back at the last decade and consider how our tastes have changed, and how in some ways the things we used to love back then have gotten worse with ti...

#5 We Wish Tabletop Gaming Was Easier

Nothing beats sitting down for a good tabletop game. Whether it be board games, TCGs, role playing games, getting together with your friends can be a highlight of a mi...

#4 The Times That Hype Let Us Down

Today's episode is about the ups and downs of being hyped for media. Specifically, when it's let us down when we were really looking forward to something...and when we...

#1 Welcome to the Crubcast

Welcome to the Crubcast's official debut! In this episode Kevin introduces himself, Trav, Moriarty, and Nicco to talk about how we all met. Then we touch on minor thin...

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