#64 What can the MCU do to win us back?
Robert Downey Jr.
is back in Marvel and we have four of the most casual Marvel viewers to talk about it here on the Crubcast.
My name is Kevin.
I'm here with Nicco.
Hi, Nicco.
Barely a Marvel viewer.
What's up, fellas?
I'm here with Chris.
Hi, Mr.
Chris MykonosFan.
Hi, I love Marvel and everything about Marvel.
And I'm here with Brody, our resident VTuber who is currently on screen with Dr.
It's me, Dr.
That's definitely not ominous for later.
So like the casting of that one.
Yeah, we're paying Brody 80 million bucks.
Chris, you're not getting paid till 3000 from now.
That's Brody.
It turns out Brody was just Justin the whole time.
Oh, no.
Two of them.
That's who's waiting behind this Dr.
Doom PNG.
It's just Justin.
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So yeah, when this dropped, I thought that this was possibly the most interesting for people to talk about this out of the Crubcast because Trav really likes Marvel.
Back up one second.
What dropped for the listener?
Well, yes, that's a good point.
I did open with it.
But Robert Downey Jr.
has been announced as coming back to Marvel to play Doctor Doom in the next three big movies, which are the Fantastic Four movie, the Avengers Secret Wars, I think is what that one's called, and then the Avengers Doomsday Secret War.
It's an actual comic story.
That's that's been a thing before.
But he's back.
People were very, the Internet responded to it as you expect.
We all had some interesting takes within all eight of us at Crub, but I thought the makeup of this podcast would be maybe the most interesting discussion for this sort of thing, because none of us, Brody's probably the most into Marvel out of all of us.
And that's still not saying a lot.
Chris, how much Marvel have you watched?
It's interesting that you said all eight of us had an interesting take, because my take was, I don't have one.
In my opinion, due to COVID timing and everything, I thought he was like still in the MCU.
I knew there was whatever was the snap.
You haven't seen Infinity War or Endgame.
No, I've just seen it through memes at this point, right?
So I was like, he's still around because they came back, right?
I got it.
You watched you watched Spider-Man Homecoming, right?
Or, um, Far From Home?
I've watched all three, but I only remember really the most recent one.
Yeah, the most recent one has a whole sequence of him being sad about Robert Downey Jr.
being dead.
That's actually number two.
That's number two, actually.
Yeah, number two came out right after Endgame.
OK, well, also to be fair, I also get confused because I remember it was around the time, I guess, Civil War was coming out.
I think it was one of the Ant Man's people were like, oh, this takes place at a different time than what's going on with that.
And I was like, OK, I don't know where things are.
So I guess if you need the most casual perspective, it's me who has no idea what's going on.
I watched Guardians 1, I've watched the Spider-Man's, and I watched the Sam Raimi Dr.
Strange in a Discord call, and the Captain America Disney Plus series in a Discord call.
That's been like 10 years since I've cared, basically.
What a cavalcade of experience.
It's just like random ones here and there.
I'll talk about mine in a second.
Nicco, you've watched probably a little more than Chris.
I think we'll go in ascending order here.
Yeah, ascending order.
So I have seen Iron Man 2 and 3.
I saw Iron Man 2 and 3.
I saw Captain America Civil War.
I saw Avengers through the Endgame Saga.
So like all four of them, like the normal Avengers, Ultron, and the third one, and then Infinity War, and then Endgame, Infinity War and Endgame.
And I've seen Spider-Man, the Sam Raimi Spider-Mans, and then also the first two of the most recent Spider-Mans.
I like mentioning the Sam Raimi Spider-Mans is where I will jump in, because I don't want to go through and list all of the ones necessarily, because that will take me a while, and then Brody much longer.
Yeah, that is all of mine.
That's a good call.
I didn't even realize I was doing it until the very end.
That was my fault, but that said, I've seen the Endgame Saga, and I haven't seen Far From Home, or the third Spider-Man.
You've seen nothing since Endgame, essentially.
Nothing since Endgame.
I bounce around.
I've seen the Iron Mans.
I've seen one Captain America piecemeal.
Maybe two Captain Americas.
They're kind of the same movie to me, if they are.
Here and there, same sort of thing.
I watched a lot of the stuff leading up to Infinity War and Endgame, so Black Panther, none of Ant-Man, whatever.
I did watch some of the stuff during the COVID era, which is, I think, where it's kind of just Brody and I, with the exception of Chris having seen the Falcon and the Winter Soldier show.
I was really into what they were doing at first, and then every single thing they did in that era made me sad because Infinity War and Endgame were a one-two punch that got me actually invested for probably the first time.
And because you can watch these movies just based on cultural osmosis and get through most of them.
And that's kind of how I was.
So I was into what I thought was going to be a really interesting experimental era, and then they did the most boilerplate stuff possible with all of their Disney Plus shows, and I stopped caring and I haven't watched anything since them.
So I found out when this announcement happened that we were in phase five, I thought we were still in phase four.
I don't really know.
We're almost in phase six now.
It switched over and it's like, oh, that's the movie you and okay, I guess we're moving on.
So Brody, you have the most experience out of all of us.
Which ones haven't you seen probably?
That's how I was going to put it.
I have seen everything except for the Miss Marvel show, the Marvel's movie.
So like the second Captain Marvel movie.
I haven't seen The Eternals because I turned it on for six minutes and went, this sucks.
And I turned it off.
And I guess I guess then technically I haven't seen any of like the ABC TV shows.
Like I've seen the Netflix TV shows.
I've seen the Disney plus TV shows.
Oh, the stuff that's technically canon, but not.
Yeah, I haven't seen any of the TV shows that actually aired like on cable.
That's like the that's like the Tumblr fans that get into that stuff at that point.
What would what would an example of that be for someone out of the loop?
For the for the ABC TV shows, like, yeah, like Agents of Shield, which was a whole oh, like a series.
Oh, I think there was one.
There's about like two runaway.
I think it was called Runaways or something.
I don't I don't remember.
I didn't watch them, so I don't know.
So I'll I'll I'll jump in and say that these are the four here, besides maybe Justin, of the eight on the Crubcast that have seen the least Marvel, I think.
I'm pretty sure Sean's seen most of them, but as much as Brody just about.
Trav is a diehard.
M is a diehard hater, derogatory hater.
And so I thought that they would have a fun alt cast, those four doing the similar topic and talking in detail about some of the comic stuff and XYZ of the back behind the scenes, Disney stuff going on.
None of us care about that.
We all kind of just fell off around the same time if we were on at all.
And it means that we're out of the loop, out of pretty much anything besides service level stuff.
So we're the exact type of person that this announcement was for.
It's just for the super diehards that are going to love everything, no matter what the stands and for the people that have fallen out that they might be able to pull back in and make another $3 billion on.
So, Nicco, I want to send it to you first because I know you found out as we were planning this episode because you had tuned in to us talking about it in the Discord server and then fell asleep, I think.
So you asked us what happened and then didn't read any of what we said.
It was 3 a.m.
and I did come in at the end of the conversation, which, to my credit, I may have had some libations on the bus.
So you know, it was it was late.
It was late.
When I woke up, it was a little different.
But yeah, dude, I think that's so weird and like unnecessary, right?
Like, it's like, yeah, I like Robert Downey Jr.
But like, I feel like recasting him is kind of strange, you know, and this isn't even the first time they're doing this, right?
Like for I feel like for the people getting upset that they cast somebody twice, like think about Josh Brolin.
He was on.
He was then one of the that's been one of the common things because he's also in Deadpool as Cable.
That was different studios at the time.
That doesn't matter.
That doesn't matter.
At that point, you have Chris Evans as Captain America and Johnny Flame.
Is that his name?
Yeah, Johnny Blaze.
To clarify for we should clarify for anyone watching that none of us have seen Deadpool 3 either.
No, none of us have seen Deadpool 3.
That may be relevant to the discussion that's currently going on from what I've heard.
Because they do a lot of Fox, X-Men, Fantastic Four references to bring that into the MCU, kind of, because they're rebooting Fantastic Four.
That's the setup for the next.
Like the whole thing is the multiverse stuff they opened up with this whole phase four is supposed to lead to them being able to bring in a Fantastic Four set and an X-Men set without it being weird and out of place because why were they not here before?
And that was the whole multiverse stuff that was going crazy during phase four during the Disney Plus era.
And then a lot of it fell off the rails because the Disney Plus stuff wasn't really clicking and it was all asynchronous, like you kind of said with Ant-Man.
I almost said Ant-Dude.
Well, Ant-Dude was the friend of the Crubcast.
Well, if he was in the MCU, I'd probably watch more.
I'll be honest.
Yeah, me too, actually.
But what I was saying was like it got really asynchronous.
It got kind of weird.
And then there was the stuff with the actor for Kang who had some very troubling allegations come up.
And by allegations, I mean, he hit somebody in the face, I'm pretty sure on video.
So it wasn't even really like he got ousted from being the big villain of the next phase of Marvel, because he was supposed to be the super villain of the next arc.
And so he's gone.
I didn't realize who you were talking about when you guys said Kang.
Yeah, I get it.
Now, I said, I know Jonathan, whatever his name is, Trav had told me a little bit about Kang when I watched Loki.
And he was explaining, generally, he is just he's like the god of the multiverse in essence.
So there's like infinite numbers of him, but he controls all of them himself or something like that.
I'm going to get it wrong.
Don't destroy me in the comments.
The character had potential.
Yeah, the character, it was honestly, I thought that his performance was good in that first thing, because he was very menacing and kind of crazy, like Shay O'Gorath crazy for anyone who knows the Elder Scrolls.
And that he's like a madman kind of.
Am I picturing the right character where it's just the big head with the tiny arms and the legs different?
That's a different.
That's that's Modoc.
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry.
Even Creed 3, if you saw him in an MCU movie, Jonathan Majors.
No, I know.
I know who you're talking about now.
I just I didn't see.
I was thinking like, oh, is he the big head guy with the like I like what you said, Chris, in the discord where you were just like, yeah, he walked off set on Creed 3 and went, OK, I don't want to be in any more good movies.
That seems to be what happened from my perspective, because I watched Creed 3.
I'm like, oh, this guy's a good actor.
And I went on.
Yeah, I watched.
OK, the harder they fall on Netflix, and it's a fantastic movie.
And I'm just like, oh, wow, this guy's a really good actor.
And that's like, oh, well, no, not going to see him anymore.
So anyway, he got ousted, and that kind of messed up all their plans for the next multiple Avengers movies, which is kind of what makes people seem to think from what I've a lot of people are upset about it because they're like, why are you bringing it back?
It's desperate.
I think it is kind of a little desperate.
But I also think it's a if it works, it's going to be seen as a genius move.
B, a lot of the people that are upset are just kind of afraid they're going to make Dr.
Doom a different universe as Tony Stark that turns into Dr.
That'd be kind of lame.
Yeah, which would be kind of lame.
There's been so many articles now, like in the last few days, about how there's like precedent for it.
I've heard that, too, from there's precedent for everything in the comics.
I mean, it's going to be like a slam dunk like they didn't.
They didn't have Spider-Man give somebody cancer with his with his seed.
So until they do that, I don't want to hear about precedent in comics.
See, that could also get me back.
Yeah, honestly, that'd be a real thumbs down from me.
If they do like the alternate universe, Tony Stark.
Oh, I thought you meant the semen thing.
It's again, I'd be a thumbs down from me.
No, no, I think the biggest ball move they could do is have him be Dr.
Doom, an entirely separate character from Tony Stark and never address it.
Yes, right.
And like, but I was going to I was just going to say that I hope they let him be a completely different character and like, actually just show range.
The thing that I expect that that's what I kind of expect is I don't think he would have come back for.
There's only two reasons you come back.
One, it is to get the biggest bag of all time, which he is getting.
So fair to because you've now won an Oscar.
So you've proven yourself and you can show you have range.
So he can be a completely different character and potentially just fall into the role, because let's be real.
Robert Downey Jr.
without the goatee can look like a different dude.
Like very, the most you need is if you have Deadpool in this movie, for whatever reason, in one of the Avengers, you just have him be like, Hey, aren't you?
Like, and that's it.
You look familiar, like because you don't need to do anything else with that.
It's that's all Brody.
What were your first take thoughts on it that you haven't expressed yet?
My first take was just like, Oh, that's that's kind of interesting.
They could do some interesting stuff with that.
They could also completely botch it like it is.
Yeah, the kind of thing where to look at it, you go, OK, well, yes, he's a very good actor.
He's adept at basically playing a very similar character already.
It's not going to be too much of a stretch for him to fall into that role.
I would like to see him take a villainous turn because I really enjoyed seeing Chris Evans take a villainous turn after he was done with Captain America in Knives Out.
And it was like, OK, yeah, I enjoy seeing this.
Or even Chris Hemsworth has done it too now in the new Mad Max movie where he plays the antagonist.
I like seeing these actors do that kind of role.
So I'm into seeing where they take this.
I think Dr.
I always liked Dr.
Doom as an option.
I think there are there's a billion ways they could have taken it before they went with this.
So that's why it seems a bit weird.
Like they could have.
First of all, they could have just recast Kang.
It wouldn't be hard because they've already set precedent within the MCU that variants like multiverse variants can look different.
I think the only reason they didn't is they saw the writing on the wall that it wasn't working.
And at a point, I get kind of just scrapping it and saying, look, we've lost a lot of fan trust from like the casual markets, not the online fans, but like the movies have been performing a little bit worse in the recent years.
And a lot of it is due to stuff outside of their control.
You know, Black Panther 2 had to be completely rewritten because of what's the actor's name?
Chadwick Boseman.
Chadwick Boseman.
Thank you, because he passed away.
And then you had COVID derail everything as far as the next phase went.
Even if they were going to do Disney plus stuff like Captain America 4, I think was supposed to be out three years ago.
And it just got derailed and derailed and derailed.
And then that's Anthony Mackey's now Twisted Metal.
So hey.
I think that one in there.
The thing with it too is that like, they the problem with the execution of Kang is the way that they've set him up in a way that general audiences probably don't even know the character exists yet.
Because every like all of the setup for Kang has been done in Loki, like season one and two of Loki on Disney Plus and in Ant Man 3, which they sacrificed to the altar of Kang.
Like, it's not it's not a good movie.
It's they're just to set up Kang.
And so like when you go, if we were going into the theoretical Kang dynasty Avengers 4, like they're going to have to do so much to just set him up there anyway, the way that they had to do with Thanos in Infinity War, because yeah, he had been at the end of in the end credits a couple times.
And Guardians 1 has kind of a focus on him.
But like still, most audiences still needed to be introduced to the character to the point where because like, OK, because all of the setup was done in Loki Season 2 already, like that's the most Kang dense piece of Marvel media that exists.
And I'm going to apologize in advance because I did look up how to pronounce his name and I have already forgotten it.
So I'm I am going to butcher it.
But the smart thing to do would have been to replace Jonathan Majors with Ki Hui Kwan.
Ki Hui Kwan, yep.
Ki Hui Kwan from Everything Everywhere All at Once and Jones.
So for reference, he's in Loki Season 2 for Nicco.
Yeah, I'll give you a quick rundown, Nicco.
He's in Loki Season 2.
He plays a character named Ouroboros who has a whole cyclical time plot where he basically makes, he basically helps Kang become Kang and then Kang helps him become him.
So like if they literally just said, oh, this character is a Kang variant and then all of these other Kang variants are this character and look like him, I think that would have been an incredibly amazing move because that guy, I think.
That guy rules.
I think that guy could have could have done it.
I think you really like him right now.
That would have been a good Strike While the Iron is Hot moment.
I will jump in and say that we are getting a little too Trav Corps Brody.
This is what I'm here for.
I'm the only one that can do it.
Brody is the Trav Corps guy.
It's true.
On this episode, you are the Trav expert, but I did.
I did like the idea of like, even with the expertise that Brody has, Trav would still destroy him in terms of knowledge.
He knows everything, right?
Like, I love this makeup of this discussion because everything Brody has from this, with some exceptions, I'm sure, from comics, is all just based on the MCU lore itself.
He's just tuned into it, which I think, again, it's valuable because it helps fill us in for the stuff that we've missed.
And at the same time, none of what we missed matters.
So most of my Marvel knowledge actually comes from Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2.
God, here's the thing.
Here's the thing, right?
If you want to join our Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, I'm going to cut you off, Nicco.
I'm so sorry.
He set this up so well.
You can join us on multiple different tiers.
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I think even the video side is hundreds of hours of content by itself.
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I had to cut you off, Nicco, because that was just-
You're good.
Try out the Patreon.
Try out the Patreon for just one month.
We're sure you'll love it.
Yeah, if you don't, we're not giving you the money back.
Just mocks the camera.
He starts mogging, begins mogging.
So what were you going to say, Nicco?
Well, it was actually a perfect time to cut me off, because the tangential thought I'm having is just like, could Marvel win me back?
And I'm just so not sure, you know, because I didn't think they were going to be able to win me in the first place, because I really didn't like enjoy superhero content until the-
Because of Spider-Man 3, yeah.
God, well, until the Avengers arc, basically, like, the Avengers arc, once we got past, like, Age of Ultron, just kept me invested.
Like, I was going with my friends before that to the movies, and it was just like, it sucked me in, it was good writing, it was, you know, I saw that they were able to have fallible characters that, you know, that made for a good time of a movie without a lack of substance, right?
But, I feel like, you know, it's since turned to just power creep, and I don't-
They got lost in the sauce, I think is what you're trying to get to.
They definitely, they were bullying out of control there for a while, and now they've gotten lost in the sauce, because I don't, I'm not gonna lie, I don't, I like, kinda don't care who Kang is, because, like, I'm sure it's just...
Well, again, they didn't make us care, and by the time they could have, it was too late because of outside circumstances.
Right, but also it's like, what separates this big villain from this bigger villain, right?
Like, what separates your Thanos' from your Kang's?
Like, do they have different abilities, different powers, or is it just a different domain that they rule over?
I mean, so that was the whole thing of, like, you know, the idea being, oh, we just had a character where there's one universe out of all the timelines where we can win against Thanos.
Kang has all of the timelines because he controls the multiverse.
So he is power creep, because he's above Thanos in that logic, and Doctor Doom is even more so in that point.
So Kang already won.
That's a thumbs down from me.
He did, yeah.
So it's it's it's dumb.
Like, it's the part that gets tough.
The part that gets tough about it is that all of the all of the phase four onward was meant to build another set of characters that could carry the Avengers going forward, carry the MCU.
And they didn't really do that because Tom Holland's too expensive now.
So he's not going to be in a lot of movies.
Guardians is done.
Uncharted 2.
Guardians is done.
Like, they had the unfortunate situation with Chadwick Boseman that messes up him being the face of the next saga of Avengers.
Rest in peace.
You have all these different scenarios where you're losing actors, and this was always the, pardon, the pun end game that Marvel was going to run into, is that it would get too expensive, that you need to make more and more money to start paying all these people $40 million each to do the movies, and this is why I'm saying all this.
My question is, because they're bringing in the Fantastic Four after much delay because of COVID, and the X-Men, and all of this stuff that would revitalize them, they can bring in new actors that aren't necessarily as expensive yet because you start out, you know, you get some younger actors, you start out less expensive, they get more expensive.
It's how every movie and TV show goes.
Someone in chat also mentioned Blade.
I keep forgetting Blade is happening.
Thank you.
I think they keep forgetting Blade is happening too, so.
That's fair.
And Herschel Olley would be perfect.
Like if Blade does come out, he's going to kill it.
And that would be technically another case of an actor playing a character in the MCU twice.
Because he was...
That is the guy from Luke Cage season one, right?
I don't know.
I think so.
I don't remember.
I didn't watch any of it.
But I think he was the bad guy for like half a season, and then they got rid of him and then the show got kind of bad.
That tracks.
Do the Netflix series count again?
Like, I just can't even...
In the multiverse, they do.
So the reason I'm saying all of this is my theory then is if they're bringing Robert Downey Jr.
back and they're doing a thing where they're bringing multiple universes together to then bring the Fantastic Four and bring the X-Men in, they might just be doing a hard reboot after these next two movies and wiping it all clean.
So another new Spider-Man, another new Iron Man, another new Captain America.
And that's where I think it becomes shark jumping because are you gonna be able to bring people in when you do a universe reset like that?
To be fair, I mean, we talk about precedent in the comics.
How many times has that happened in the comics where they're just like, yeah, I reboot it.
Just reboot the whole thing.
There's too much more.
That comic fans hate that for one.
And two comic fans aren't as numerous as movie fans.
Like it would be a lot harder to do.
I do think it would be silly.
And and this is why I wanted to bring back to you, Chris, because I know you're already we're losing you with a lot of this stuff.
Hi, how would you feel if that theory ends up being correct and they just start completely over again after these next six movies?
I think I just feel tired.
I'm not even that attached to the original Avengers, I guess.
Cast, right?
Like, I didn't even watch Iron Man two or three for reference.
I just never felt any compulsion to.
So I think it would depend on two major factors, because I think one of these is what put me off in the first place.
The frequency and release cadence of the films were just two points, but we're going to call that one, because it got to a point where like four times a year, I'd hear everyone talk about the new Marvel movie, and it's like, oh, it's Shang-Chi, I'm like, who, who?
Why should I care?
But two, tying in with that, the social cache of the movies, because early on, it was like a cultural event.
Like everyone went to see the new Marvel movie, everyone talked about it.
I only watched half of the ones I did, just because no one around me would shut up about them.
And I wanted to know what they were talking about.
Well, if I was going to sit there and listen to it anyway, frankly.
So I think the only thing I would feel is like Spider-Man specifically is the only one I ever really kept up with throughout the years, right?
So like the idea of another Spider-Man after I looked at the last three and went kind of like, eh.
Like that could go either way, but I'd probably feel tired by it, honestly.
But you know, I don't think I'd care, but like I think if it got to a thing where stylistically the movies felt distinct and imbued with some kind of creative juice again, then maybe I could see it as a point where it's like, okay, there was so much crap before I didn't care.
Maybe now I will hop in and give it a go and go with it going forward.
Now that it's a clean slate.
Like maybe that's the one advantage they could do is if, because like at the time Guardians 1 felt like kind of a cool thing in comparison to all the other ones, right?
But then eventually they all core.
It was so distinct.
It was different.
And that brings me to a thing I was going to hit on really quickly, which was I did want to talk about some of the movies that are coming out in the next couple of years, because they aren't nearly as frequent to hit on your point one.
That's the one thing they've done really right in my opinion, is they've cut it down to a couple movies a year, not seven.
That's because they have 16 different shows now, so that's a whole different thing.
Captain America comes out at the start of next year.
Then a few months later, there's a movie called Thunderbolts with an asterisk.
So, that one's just interesting because, and we'll probably hit very briefly on DC here as the comparison point, that was one where James Gunn apparently wanted to do it, and then after Guardians, he was told no, because it was too similar to Guardians, because it's kind of just a Suicide Squad type thing, but from Marvel's perspective.
So, he was told no.
Then when he got fired from Marvel, he went and did Suicide Squad and did it very well.
So, they came back to him and said, do you want to do our Suicide Squad too?
And he said, no.
So, then someone else started doing it.
And that's one of the last movies in Phase Five before they start doing Fantastic Four and introducing all these new characters.
And so, that's where I'm like, huh, they're not really...
I don't know that that one's going to shake out too well.
No, that doesn't sound like it'd be a really excellent viewing experience.
Yeah, like James Gunn could nail it.
No one else, I don't think.
Yeah, I have to interject.
To people.
Comic book fans aside, do people care about the Fantastic Four?
I think we care.
They're not me personally, like, like, to the point that, like, if they took a risk on Guardians, it makes sense that they would do Fantastic Four.
Well, I think it's a lot more popular traditionally.
Yeah, I like that Fantastic Four have more specific and specified powers, as opposed to just being like, I'm super abled.
Like, this guy does fire, this girl turns invisible, and this guy stretches, and the other guy is just super abled.
Yeah, instead of just, he punched good.
Yeah, I guess my perspective was like, all the X-Men stuff hinges so much on the X-Men movies, right?
But people like the X-Men movies, so I was just sitting here like, the Fantastic Four was like, when your parents took you to Best Buy and you were kind of stuck there for a while, maybe you'd watch Chris Evans, that guy for a little bit, but...
To the point where Arrested Development like made fun of the Fantastic Four.
So that's because Fox also had the rights to it at that point.
So, I do want to walk back to something I said.
I lied, they still are doing four movies a year.
Oh, there's no one talking about it anymore.
Fantastic Four comes out in the two months after Thunderbolts, and then Blade comes out in November.
I think they cut the shows.
Well, I think so, but that's where they split Phase Five and Six is halfway through next year, I guess.
Yeah, so I was wrong.
Chris, did you have another point?
Because you said you had two things, and I think I cut you off after the first one, just to remind me that Thunderbolts existed.
Yeah, no, I basically got there, just like they can feel stylistically distinct and have the juice, so to speak, because the thing that got me by the end of when I stopped watching was like Guardians 1 was fun, but all the other ones, I was like, I know what I'm getting into, and then I'm flipping a coin on if I'm getting like a fun movie or a Thor 2, which I did not enjoy.
I think you like Guardians 2, I haven't watched 3 yet still, and I love Guardians 1 and 2, so the fact that I haven't watched 3 is just burnout.
Same, but also I thought James Gunn didn't come back for 3.
He did.
He did.
He did 3, and then there was the Christmas special that was intentionally bad.
Oh, right, the Christmas special.
Then maybe I'll have to watch 3.
The Christmas special is canon too, and it contains actual like important lore.
So the thing I was going to hit on, because we talked about Fantastic Four, and this is the last thing I think I had to say about Marvel.
One more thing when you're done.
Why is Pedro Pascal Mr.
He's not going to look cool with stretchy arms.
Oh, right, he is.
Pedro Pascal is Mr.
I wasn't kidding when I said Joel Last of Us is Mr.
Fantastic, and he's going to have probably the damn mustache, which looks really good, but it's just going to be Joel Last of Us in my mind, or Mandalorian, or Wonder Woman guy.
It's just fatigue again, man.
Like, it's just like there's only five actors on earth.
And honestly, it's the same problem I have with Robert Downey Jr.
is that it's just like, you know, he's a great actor.
But man, like I could use to like not like just just, you know, take your money and like chill for a second.
Go do go do a Nick Cage thing where you like slink into a role.
It's a hundred percent actor.
Yeah, I did want to say one more thing, which is that, yes, I think I had I had a thought about how the Marvel universe could win me back.
And it's kind of preposterous, but I think it could happen.
I think they need to do one of two things or preferably two of two things, which is one make a horror movie, an actual horror movie with gore and blood.
And it's a horror movie, and it is a rated R horror movie.
Was that the the that Dr.
No, no, no, horror, horror.
Not like not like it was kind of brutal for MCU standards.
Yeah, because that was the whole thing was that that was like was not the first rated R Marvel movie.
And it was What's His Face from Spider-Man.
It was not Ramy.
It was not rated.
Oh, OK.
There's no way that movie was right.
I thought that was the big thing.
So that's one thing is like make an actual like a scary horror movie, like one that's meant to be scary, something different.
And I think they have the tools to do it.
I think they have the world that they could do it in.
I think they could do it with Carnage even if you think about it.
But that's that's Sony.
So OK.
Well, still.
So it's not going to happen.
It's part of the Madam Web Universe.
You were right.
It was it was not rated R.
They just wanted to pretend that it was rated R for the marketing.
I see.
So that's that's number one.
Number two is I watched Top Gun Maverick recently.
And that movie is so, so, so good.
If you guys haven't seen it, go watch Top Gun Maverick.
I swear to God, I didn't think I'd enjoy it.
I like had no like I didn't think it'd be good.
It was excellent down to the very last detail in the movie.
And I think if they did something like that, that's like made with care.
And like we said, like Chris said, it's creativity.
It'd be pretty cool.
How do you want them to do a plain movie?
Not a plain movie.
I just mean something that's made done with like care taken to the characters and to the verisimilitude of the universe.
Wait, no, they have a pilot character.
Captain Marvel sidekick character is a pilot.
Zoom out, zoom out.
It's not just like that.
Just like that.
Just feels like you were like, I saw a movie and it was good.
They should do that.
I just think they, they, they handled.
What a character's power is, they can pilot a plane really well.
They handled a popular property with incredible respect upon reboot.
And they made an actual story with an intent of making the audience feel something and not just making a buck.
And I think, you know, and they did make a buck, obviously.
But that sounds like Guardians 2.
And that's sort of what.
But that's how they got me.
But you just want James Gunn to make movies, which, hey, we're just doing all of DC.
Yeah, it's true.
It's true.
So sorry, I knew I knew that that would kind of be taken.
Not the way that I mean it.
But, you know, basically go make a good movie.
Yeah, to your point, Nicco, and to what Chris said earlier, the MCU, it has very clear strengths and weaknesses.
And one of its strengths, that it doesn't let be a strength for a lot of the time that it runs, the best movies in the MCU are the ones that are, A, director led and B, genre movies, right?
So we have Captain America 2, Russo Brothers, espionage movie.
We have Ant-Man, a heist movie done by Edgar Wright.
For the most part, he got removed because, and this is the thing, right?
He got removed from that movie because the suits didn't like what he was, what he was doing.
Being creative.
Yeah, yeah.
And so Ant-Man 2 kind of sucks because it's not like.
Oh, that's a thumbs down from me, man.
You can still see Edgar Wright's influence in Ant-Man 1, and then it's gone afterwards, because obviously, he's not involved.
And obviously, you have James Gunn's with the Guardians movies, you have Taika Waititi with the Thor movies, even Thor 4, which probably wasn't as strong as Thor 3, it's still one of, in my opinion, the stronger Marvel movies because you can see Taika Waititi's stamp on the movie.
So when they let directors be directors, when they let the artists actually be artists, they can produce good singular products.
The problem is that when the suits come in and they say, oh, well, it has to make sense for this and this and this, which honestly, I don't even think they have to do that because the Russo brothers have proven that they're so good at taking all of the random disparate threads and then just connecting the character arcs into something satisfying when they make an Avengers movie, that like I'm convinced that they could let directors do whatever they want.
And then by the time they have to have the big team up movie, the Russos can come in and make it make sense.
I forgot all about that Edgar Wright thing.
That was one of the things that I think threw me off back then, because I'm a big Edgar Wright show.
I'll watch pretty much anything he does.
He's my favorite director.
I love him.
He was like, what a great fit.
You know, like I would never watch Ant-Man otherwise, but now I will.
And then he got flicked off.
And I was like, you know, I never mind.
I'm good.
I guess I'll watch Ant-Man 1.
Ant-Man 1 is still a fantastic movie.
They could bring in Tarantino to get me back.
That's true.
Of course they could.
Now another that's one thing about the last thing I'll say about the Robert Downey Jr stuff is that apparently he only came back on the condition that the Russo brothers also did the movies he's involved with.
So that's probably equally reeking of mutual desperation because I don't think they did anything really that good or successful, at least after they stopped doing Marvel.
So I think that's like a match made in heaven to try and get people back.
And based on what all of us have said, maybe.
He also might just like working with them too, but like you're right.
Probably also likes 80 million dollars per movie.
80 million dollars, yeah.
I think I do quite a lot of things for 80 million dollars.
Speaking of 80 million, oh, no, no, no, no.
My segway is not as important.
Continue, Chris.
Oh, I was just going to say, I have idly wondered how this casting choice and stuff would be revealed if the MCU was in a better spot in public favor.
Supposedly, there was a cameo intended for Deadpool that they cut.
So whether that was whether that was him being Tony Stark.
Yeah, Robert Downey Jr.
Whether that was him being Tony Stark again, or whether that was going to be a Doctor Doom thing, we'll probably not know for a while.
But that was a rumor.
There were a lot of rumors about Deadpool theory.
People thought Taylor Swift was going to be on that movie.
That'd be funny.
Speaking of massively successful things such as Taylor Swift, the Xbox 360 died recently.
Chris, do you want to tell us a little bit about that?
No, but I will anyway, Kevin.
Well, it's shut down on July 29th, 2024.
What is it?
An Xbox 360 or just like what?
What's shut down?
Xbox 360 specifically.
So like what about it?
Like you can't turn them on anymore?
He's getting it.
We're getting it.
The storefront for the Xbox 360.
The storefront for the Xbox 360 is dead.
There, we've solved Nicco's question.
Continue Chris.
That's it pretty much, right?
It died, 220 games were lost.
As far as I know.
No, not 220 games.
That's a lot.
I mean, you know.
That is.
No, I'm sorry.
I can't tell how much of this is a bit.
I can't either, so I'll just let Nicco do what Nicco is doing.
I'm like, I don't want to.
Where are we going?
That was entirely a bit.
Well, 220 games are not legally accessible anymore.
I don't know what they are, but I did see that number and went, Oh, Kevin mentioned in our pre-show, something I hadn't even thought about is the Xbox Indie Game Store, which probably also had hundreds of games that you just cannot access anymore.
They may have just moved that over to the main storefront years ago for all I know.
For those that aren't familiar, during the 360 days, Microsoft was very unique in that they just let independent, super indie developers, as long as you knew how to code in C-sharp, essentially, you could put your game on the Xbox Store with a little bit of approval for like a dollar or whatever.
Before they bought Minecraft, there was there were Fortress Craft and Total Miner Z and other Minecraft clones on there.
Pop Tart Cat.
Amongst a bunch of other games.
Yeah, Pop Tart Cat.
Not Dead Cells, Dead Pixels was a little zombie shooter that I remember playing.
It was really good.
All those games might be lost as well, for all I know.
Yeah, because I would.
They might have moved it, but then if they're not backwards compatible games, maybe not.
I don't know.
Unfortunate, though, that would have ran for what, like 18, 19 years, you know?
Just about, yeah.
They would have come out in 05, 04, 05, 05.
I'm stupid.
I always get messed up because Skyrim was supposed to come out in 04, so I'm always like, that was on Xbox 360, and it was, but not in 04.
05 is where life began for me, for real.
The Elder Scrolls 4 oblivion, not Skyrim.
Oh, okay.
I was like, hold on.
The series is called Skyrim now, so I just.
Yeah, it's one of those things where we lost the eShop recently for the Wii U and the 3DS.
The Nintendo Store had gone down for the Wii Shop, rather, had gone down years prior.
There was a lot of up in arms discussion about the PS3 and PSP stores that almost went down a couple of years back.
And then Sony did a compromise in that you can still buy games, but you can't put money, you can't have credit cards on the old systems anymore.
Which was an interesting compromise.
But we're losing that first generation of digital games.
And as someone who was a 360 teen, like that was my first system in that era, it definitely is a shame.
I didn't go and buy anything, but that's because they're shutting it down.
So I'm not going to give them money.
Which makes, I mean, why would you, right?
Like, it's a good move, like, honestly, sincerely, I think that that's, like, a good thing to do to cater to the community, like, give a sale, let people go in.
They're the only ones that have done that so far.
Like, we don't see PS3 games go on sale ever anymore.
But they made everything, like, 95% off during the last few weeks, and they gave ample time.
They said, don't buy stuff right away, it's going to go on sale.
There's really not a lot to add to it other than, you know, sad, but it is pretty sad.
It was something that I thought was worth mentioning in this, in this era of digital supremacy, especially when GameStop's making jokes on Twitter about it all.
Bet you wish you bought games physically now.
God, where's those guys that kept Halo 2 up for 10 years after it went offline?
What are they doing now?
Can they keep it up?
They might have done it with Halo 3, because Halo 3 on 360 also went down recently, and Reach, and well, just those two, and 4, actually.
Well, speaking of delisted games, something that actually is relevant, weirdly, weirdly full circle relevant is that there's there's.
So Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 got remastered for the PlayStation 4 and I think just modern consoles in general, and I bought them immediately and I've learned since then they've been delisted that you can't go and buy them.
I don't even think you can like being able to download them is even spotty.
So I was actually ultimate Alliance is it's a Marvel series where it's like a co-op series where you can play as like a bunch of different Marvel characters and like a top down almost like Diablo kind of vibe.
Really good.
Really fun.
Especially to to lets you do like combo moves and there's a unique combo move between every set of two characters and there's like 30 or two in the weeds.
Anyway, they they delisted them and I have a I have a PS4 that perpetually has these two games downloaded because I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to play them again if I don't have to.
Yeah, I T I deleted for.
Yeah, I deleted.
I do have PT.
I did do the thing at one point on my PS4, which is somewhere over there.
Oh, it's in the other room, actually.
I did do the thing where you could download it from a specific server after it was delisted.
So I did that at one point during COVID and I have PT.
I'm never going to play it, but I have it.
Yeah, I think PT was one of the most goaded experiences, I think, ever.
And that is a shame that that got delisted.
And I'm assuming that some people probably had similar experiences with some 360 games that they are perhaps mourning at this time.
If Marvel made PT, it would do it would be very good.
Marvel should make PT.
Dude, they could hire, they could have Norman Reedus and all.
They could make like a true horror experience.
Let's have some rats for dinner, Spider-Man.
Can we have a movie that's Norman Reedus and Joel Last of Us, Pedro Pascal, just going back and forth and talking to one another?
No setting.
They're just in a room.
So like the lighthouse.
Joel, you want a rat?
Any rats for dinner, Joel?
I have no, I can't contribute to this bit at all.
I have nothing.
The smartest thing for the MCU to do would be to do Red Goblin.
That's all I know.
Well, because by default, the only thing I can think of is just early.
Back in my day, we had Discord.
I have nothing else I can think of.
I'm just, I'm cooked right now.
I can't think of anything else other than Pedro Pascale calling Norman Reedus Ellie and Norman Reedus not knowing what to do.
That's where I was trying to think of anything else to add.
And that was my brain.
Just one single rat going around on the wheel, and I couldn't get anything else going.
That's okay.
We'll cook him for dinner.
Just call him, hey, Lou.
Yeah, Lou.
Oh, no.
So what do you mean we're not that fragile?
Oh, that's good.
Oh, man.
I like your tattoos.
God, I like that, like gave a little Hank Hill.
I like your tattoos, Ellie.
They're both from Ireland, Texas.
Actually, Hank Hill would never would not like her tattoos.
I think Hank has a tattoo, doesn't he?
Does he?
Doesn't he have like a little like upper arm tattoo?
Let's see.
I thought he had like a heart like a mom heart tattoo.
I might be making that up.
There's a chance I'm making that up.
That would be really funny.
Chris, what kind of tattoo do you think Hank Hill would get next?
Like in the reboot, do you think he's going to have like a like a like a tattoo?
In the reboot.
And we're assuming it's like modern day, right?
Based on what we understand, it is a modern day sequel reboot.
And I'm with her tattoo.
Right there.
You think that he didn't like the handshake of the previous guy.
So I guess, yeah.
Yeah, I think he's having some like party questioning at the moment, you know.
Hank finds a tattoo on the back of his head when he's checking for lice.
What if he's like super?
What if he fell hard down the pipeline, like more than Dale?
Oh, no.
To the point where even Dale's like, I don't associate with Hank anymore.
He got weird.
I don't know, Hank.
I think you're off the deep end on this one.
I forget if this was real or not.
I'm pretty sure that they talked about some of the stuff that is in this reboot of King of the Hill.
Bobby works at a fusion restaurant.
I'm pretty sure.
That's awesome.
Which is going to be so great because there's going to be an episode where Hank feels inadequate because he's trying to cook something and Bobby does it better because he's a chef.
Like there's going to be a thing.
And where Hank discovers, or Hank discovers like non-steak flavor.
I don't know that he could ever do that.
I think Hank should get on his stomach the tattoos of like the stick figure families you put on the back of car windshields.
I think that'd be great.
Just right on his belly.
And it's just the three of them.
No, they would have they would have Luan.
OK, that's valid.
And the dog and one ladybird and Ladybird.
That's right.
I forgot about Ladybird.
Does Ladybird still live in the reboot with the time passage?
Oh, true.
Ladybird might be gone.
It's the little dog with the halo tattoo.
Yeah, right.
They almost are.
Oh, a halo like the helmet from Halo.
Yeah, like the 117 Spartan logo.
Yeah, that's right, man.
Not like an angel halo.
I knew what you I knew what you meant.
I was doing I was joking.
Oh, what about the halo show tattoo?
Like he's a fan of the Paramount Blush show that's canceled.
Like just like a realistic portrait of the guy.
Like he's like, this is Arbiter.
I want him in me.
What happened to this episode?
I don't know.
We didn't like I don't know what like what are some examples of games on the Xbox 360 store that you guys will miss?
They should have recast Hank Hill as Kang.
Yeah, exactly.
You see, Chris, can you can you still play a game of zombies in it?
That's what happened to the episode.
Because I made a game with zombies in it.
That's a little people like that one.
Hank Hill, Ultimate Alliance 3 on the Nintendo Switch.
They played you a combo move with him and Homer Simpson.
Oh, my God.
Hank Hill versus Capcom.
Not King of the Hill, just Hank Hill.
We've never talked on the podcast about Green Lantern versus Capcom 3.
That's true.
We have never mentioned Green Lantern versus Capcom 3.
Which is perhaps the best.
There's not much substance to it, but there was a bit that I did in an early video with a character called Fabrizio, where he was just like my fake editor.
It was the usual early YouTuber character.
But he ranked his top 10 games of whatever year that was.
And for some reason, at some point in life, I just thought of the idea of Green Lantern versus Capcom 3 where the entire Marvel side.
It was because I forgot about Marvel versus Capcom, and I just said the Green Lantern versus Capcom.
And you just roasted the crap out of me for it.
That's valid.
And then put it in the video.
That was good job, me.
But I had a picture of Marvel versus Capcom 3's character select screen, and it's just all Green Lanterns on the Capcom side or Marvel side.
No, they might have been on the Capcom side, actually.
I think you put them on the Capcom side.
But I edited together a single PNG of Green Lantern over the top of all the characters.
There's nothing.
It's not funny, but it's there.
It was I mean, it was funny at the time because I think I might have had a couple libations on the bus, which is what led me to that to saying that it was just a good a positive memory.
Why do you know on buses?
Are you homeless?
Yes, I'm doing this podcast from Inside Your Walls, listener.
Oh, why do they have a Hobbs and Shaw poster in their walls?
Well, he brought that with him.
Yeah, I brought that with me.
It was the only thing I didn't lose in the divorce.
I was going to say, he brought it from home, but we don't have a home to bring it from.
A real Australian didgeridoo.
He could sell that or the couch to afford an apartment, but he just lives in your walls, listener.
And if you want him to get out of your walls, you can join patreon.com/crub and ask us one of our Crubscriber questions of the week.
Chris, I believe you have the question written down somewhere.
First off, I need Bertie to unveil his true self in other words.
Oh, true.
Yes, set me up.
Let's watch.
Let's watch our Dr.
Doom take off the mask and unveil what is underneath on the YouTube feed.
Audio listeners, we will describe it to you before we do.
He is sitting in a galaxy somewhere with two Spyro the Dragon money bags is on each side that are vaporware colored vaporwave colored.
This is Dr.
This is like a single PNG of Dr.
And so he's going to unmask now live.
Remember, this cost me $80 billion.
$80 billion.
He is a Hawaiian shirt VTuber.
Play it.
This is why I suggested we hold off until the end of the podcast, because Brody mentioned his webcam was not connecting to the VTuber software well enough.
That I calibrated every time he blinked, it would just wink and it was so off putting to me that I was like, let's hold off on looking at this for as long as humanly possible.
I calibrated it so the eyes are right, but now the mouth is stuck in an O shape.
He's doing a he's doing a little.
Oh, no, I hate it, dude.
And for the record, for the record, folks, I have like windows popped out and I can see all the other three fellas.
I put a window on top of Brody because I do not want to look at this.
So like the he's doing like the Ahegao face now.
So like listener at home, listener at home.
And I hope to God people who are watching this, you know, have a means to cover their screen.
If you have a sticky note, put it might be useful for you.
Yeah, it is it is off putting.
And I'm generally not a fan.
Where's the Hank Hill tattoo?
Yeah, where's the Hank Hill tattoo?
That'll come next time.
I got to export the 3D model.
You better.
You better.
For the record, I think it's very kawaii.
I did this in a VTuber maker.
I did not make this myself.
Today's Crubscribe, your question of the week comes from Chef Kilo, who says, ponders if Crub was to get a movie, but the director did not hire you to play yourself, which actor would play you in a Crub movie?
Well, I'd open up VTuber maker, import Brody's model, and that would be me.
The model plays you.
Holy shit.
I would hire the guy who played Modoc as M, but not the actor, like the character model.
The worst CG model than what we're seeing with Brody right now.
Like the little guy that does the T-Rex arms and floppy legs.
Yeah, Brody's $80 billion is one thing.
That was in an actual movie.
And it's supposed to look bad, I know.
But that doesn't make it any less bad.
I feel like the actors are like, we don't know how to do.
We don't know how to do Modoc.
We're just going to do this, throw it away.
Never have to talk about it again.
Yeah, that's probably the right thing to do.
Nicco, who would you cast as yourself in a Marvel movie?
We're in the MCU now.
I think that it would...
Man, you know, I feel like I would be the one to get heavily recast.
Not recast, but like...
Completely changed?
Like, in the movie...
You know how in the movie version they'll have like, oh, like, you know, we didn't want to limit this role to like one type of person, right?
Like, so I think honestly, since Sandra Bullock would play me, you know, in the movie.
Why is that?
Or Danny DeVito.
My serious answer, Danny DeVito.
Why Sandra Bullock?
Because I think it'd be funny if I was recast with a woman who's much older than me.
I would cast myself as the main actor from the blind side, if he's going to be Sandra Bullock.
That's what I was trying to think.
Am I serious?
Why are you playing Michael Ower?
I think it's the football player's name.
I'm not sure what the actor's name is.
My serious answer for Kevin would be Stephen Amell.
I think Stephen Amell would play Kevin from the Green Lanter.
Not the Green Lanter, from the Green Arrow.
No, he's a Union Buster.
I don't want him.
Oh, is he?
I didn't know that.
Yeah, when they had that show that he was doing, the wrestling show, the strike happened, and he was like, they're not letting me promote my show.
That's a thumbs down from me then.
Never mind.
Which also, to be fair, is why a lot of the Marvel stuff, we didn't talk about that, a lot of the Marvel stuff couldn't be promoted during the strike.
So, that's why a lot of stuff, I think the Marvels came out during that, so there was like the one-two punch of people by default being ready to hate it, and then anyone who would otherwise care not knowing it came out.
That must be why the world seemed quieter for a while there.
But we digress.
Yeah, I'll give you my answer and I'll use one word to do it.
I fucked that up, but it's OK.
You got the point.
I did not get the point.
What will we do?
All right, let me do it again.
He told us this before the pod.
We need we need to we got to make him say it.
I like that we saved our swear jar for the very end.
You burned the swear jar and that I don't even get the joke.
I feel stupid.
What is that?
Will Wilson?
Yes, yes.
We talked about it.
Yes, it's like we'll see him as someone that exists.
Yeah, I've been I've been told on multiple occasions that I look like Owen Wilson.
I don't know why, but hey.
I don't.
Oh, can I be the guy who looks like can I be the guy who looks like NAC?
What's his name?
Justin, Justin, the Idiocracy.
Oh, man, the guy named God, not Zach Braff.
It's the other one.
He has NAC face.
He has the is the kid from NAC face.
Oh, it's Justin Long, Justin Long.
Oh, I was thinking of Justin Long because then I can look like the kid from NAC.
Was Justin Long an Idiocracy?
Yeah, either way, it doesn't matter.
I thought you said the guy who looks like NAC.
I thought you meant Dax Shepard.
I'd cast Dax Shepard to play Chris.
I have a Pavlovian response to not like Dax Shepard.
I don't know why.
That's a good point.
For Chris, I'd cast Pedro Pascal.
Yeah, because then you could do the you could do the Ellie voice.
You could call Brody Ellie.
Brody Shepard looks like Troy Baker's weird brother.
I guess I'll accept that.
I'd cast Norman Reedus to play Justin.
What kind of movie is supposed to be?
Is it just we're casting ourselves in a movie?
Who would play the version of Nicco that's small wearing tinfoil with the clown wig?
Oh, true.
That's Sandra Bullock.
That's the Sandra Bullock version.
That would be Nicco's cameo in the movie as himself for that scene.
Charles Martinet playing Mario's dad.
Our friend Charles.
Our friend Charles.
What was the genre of this movie supposed to be?
Do we have that explained or is it just?
The director has to cast people that aren't us.
So who would we pick?
It's the biopic.
It's the HBO biopic where that tells the story of how we got together.
It's going to be true crime.
I don't want that.
Yeah, they're going to have to actually, Justin's going to snap and kill us all.
I don't I don't want to.
Oh, see, I thought it was just Wilson in that.
I thought it would be a whodunit where you had to find out who murdered me.
This is making me realize that you could legitimately make a true crime documentary about the completionist.
True crime.
I'm going to pretend you said about Justin, but yeah.
And if you want to find out more of Justin's crimes, join the Patreon for as little as $2 a month there's a Patreon Crubscriber question where you can ask us these questions of the week that will answer on air either in the form of one of these questions in a segment here or in a Q&A video proper.
I have no further thoughts because that got weird.
You can fill that form up as much as you want.
Not even just one question.
You can go in there and put 50 in if you want.
You don't care.
Fill that form like that one universe of the comics where Peter Parker killed someone with his com.
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