#65 Does 2X playback speed ruin media?
Hello everybody, welcome to the Crubcast podcast.
Today with me, I have multiple people who will not be getting an introduction.
Just kidding, we have Moriarty, Buckets, All Hail, and Christopher MykonosFan.
I'm gonna start with them one at a time.
Em, how are you doing today?
Every day's a holiday, hi Trav.
Every day is a holiday, and today, we say happy holidays.
Buckets, how are you?
Something takes a part of me, Trav.
What part?
Chris, how are you doing?
Something takes a part of me, Trav.
What is happening?
Did you guys orchestrate this?
Never mind.
Alright, so today we have a very interesting subject because I came up with it, so it's gonna be really boring.
So basically, what happened today, a long time ago, actually, I came across this post on Twitter, which I will not be calling it its new name because anyway, so I saw this post about this guy who was like, I really want to keep up with all these animes and cool things that my friends are watching, except I don't have the time for it.
So I'm watching it at 3x speed while I do other things.
3x speed is crazy.
Not even 2x, 3x speed.
Not even 2x.
3x is crazy, dude.
Cause like I've read books on 2x, but like audio books.
I'll let you get to your thoughts in just a moment, Nicholas, just give me one moment.
That's Nicholas.
So my main thought coming out of this, because I want to introduce my thesis, and then we'll pass it along like a good blunt rotation.
My thesis coming into this was if you're just going to watch it for the sake of saying you watched it, or you're going to have it on in the background and essentially give yourself cliff notes in some way, why not just like read the plot summary or read the wikia for these episodes or something?
Because the way that I felt is that if it's something that's meant to educate you, like a tutorial, or you're reading the news or something, I can understand listening to it at three times speed.
You just want to get to the point.
But if you're consuming art, like a movie or a TV show or something, I feel like you're missing the point.
But art is subjective.
I'm subjective.
I've been the subject of many things.
So, I want to pass this along to you guys.
Starting with Clockwise Order, from my perspective anyway, I don't know if it's different from you guys.
Christopher, my Konos fan.
Can I call this guy out even more?
Yeah, sure.
Okay, good.
Screw this guy.
No, I was kidding.
But his was even more deranged, because he made a video about it for Twitter, and was like, you know, this is how I'm getting through everything.
And I'm like, hitting the arrow keys to fast forward through the episode in addition to this, until something interesting happens.
So not only is he just putting it on in the background and doing something else, he's like micromanaging the fast speed playback, which isn't inherently the entire topic, but it struck me as deranged and unsafe.
That is a bit weird.
That is worse.
It was an extra layer of-
That's the craziest part of it for me.
Yeah, it's one thing to like, all right, put it fast in the background, whatever.
I don't do that.
I will take a stance today for discussion sake, but that blew my mind.
I'm very selective.
I think for me, I need to have everything as it was meant to be, especially for stuff that has background music.
If I start speeding up, I start getting weird head vibes, if that makes sense.
But there's a lot of stuff where I will speed it up.
I've even noticed on TikTok especially, there's a trend of people being like, I'm going to talk slowly, so hold down your finger to speed up what I'm saying.
And I'm like, okay.
I guess it doesn't even make sense from a OK.
So I want to give a little context for something there.
There is a weird hack.
We'll call it on YouTube, where if you watch a video at slower speeds, say, point twenty five speed, which is the slowest you can go, it will still count the real time watched as time watched for content.
So if you watch a video at, exclusively watch a video at point twenty five X speed, it will say, yes, you only watched it once, but you gave it four times the amount of watch time.
I'm assuming TikTok must be different than if people are actively encouraging people to speed through.
Yeah, I think that does it off of both watch time and number of plays.
So it's about getting more plays in, I think, which is not going to work because if it's still bad content, it's still bad content.
Yeah, this is straight up just some guy who's like, I'm going to talk slow, so speed it up if you're impatient.
And I was like, hey, that's me because that look, obviously, I'm not I don't have the gift of gab either.
I meander.
But when I am sitting down to just like, I need something to distract me when someone's just going all over the place.
I mean, OK, I will I will fast forward you with no remorse.
It's the people like pointing the camera at themselves and holding up a remote to me and like clicking it.
Trav, just stop talking.
It takes so long.
The blue one, dude, the blue remote.
I'll click your favorite movie.
You told me you got it from the Bed Bath and Beyond.
I don't know.
We we know rest In Peace, Bed Bath and Beyond.
Yeah, I don't know.
It's just like for the most part, I just need something as it was intended, especially if it is something you would point at and say, that's a piece of art, you know, like a selfie video, whatever.
But I just even if it would save me time and enable me to experience more things, I'm okay experiencing less things and getting it the way it was meant to be.
I write even someone that will not mute a game until I'm like 80 hours into the game or something.
And I'm just solely grinding the game.
I'm a dickhead about that.
I will say I like I tend to play.
No, no.
Okay, cool.
I tend to play games while either listening to podcasts or watching YouTube videos.
Like I think for me, the type of content.
Yeah, like and I agree with Trav largely on all fronts.
I think the type of content really does make a difference.
But muting a game for me is like I mute it until the cut scene or like a story comes up.
If there's subtitles where like a character is speaking, I'll stop what I'm doing and like pay attention to it, like regardless of whether it's a cut scene or like in game.
But like if it's if I'm playing a Souls game, like I essentially play those on mute, essentially, because no one cares, which is crazy to me.
But but no one cares, like they don't, the sound doesn't really matter in the Souls game.
Like it just doesn't.
It's the only thing it matters for is like I usually use a protracting enemies.
If you're using it for like timing of a move to a boss or whatever, I like don't.
Anyway, I digress.
Um, Chris, were you were you done?
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to like to stop you in the middle there.
No, let's keep it up, Chris.
Oh, hey, yeah.
I don't remember where I was going with that.
OK, do you speed it up, Nico?
Oh yeah, no.
So I don't.
I watch everything at normal speed.
I was worried because I think and everything and I mean everything like the only time that I speed things up.
Is if I?
I'm if I have to read a book for something which I don't usually not a big reader, it is what it is.
It takes too much of my mental energy.
Like I just told you, I have to play video games and be listening to YouTube video or whatever.
But if I'm reading a book in order to keep focus, I have the audio book and I'm also following along in the text with the book.
I'll do that at like two times, two point five times speed maybe.
And like I do that just to keep my thoughts on track so that I'm not like wandering.
And it also helps me to like remember to pay attention when I'm reading, because that's what is slow about reading, is that I have to remember to pay attention to the words.
I've been there.
It's an active role, whereas like with people just telling me things, it's not, I'm just, I'm kind of there, right?
Or I can get the gist of it, the tonality, other language things that allow you to get the information.
But that said, yeah, I don't speed things up.
I think it's weird speeding things up for, yeah, what you guys said, I echo both of you guys.
Artistic sentiment, clicking through the video is weird.
This podcast is starting to feel a bit mean-spirited.
I didn't want to just solely pick on people who do this.
No, no, no.
But they deserve it.
I think they also deserve it.
There's value to it, though, if you're learning something, if you're using reference.
I'm joking.
Yeah, I don't know.
And also, if I'm reading an online, last thing, sorry, if I'm reading an online article, I think on Google Chrome or whatever, I have a plugin that does text to speech, and I will use that at like two times speed to like, again, follow along with the art.
It just helps me read.
I do something similar.
Well, used to, not so much anymore.
I used to have a plugin that was like highlight something and it'll read it out loud just because I want to make sure I'm reading it right.
And then I learned how to read.
So life got easier.
Turned out the secret was drugs.
I need Adderall.
Moriarty, we need you to take a different stance because we're all the same.
What kind of drugs have you taken?
I do have a completely different stance, actually.
And we've talked about this before.
We've talked about it before.
I actually think that given the opportunity to, you know, take a show and condense it down into a single second of my life, I would do that.
And I have a lot of reasons for this, because the argument that tends to come up is, oh, but you're not engaging with the art on its own merits.
And I think that's true because sometimes I don't think that it has artistic merits in the first place, but I still need to be involved in that.
So I'm going to give you an example.
And there's a very, very small spoiler for The Boys because it's relevant.
That's fine.
Last season specifically, where I didn't care about watching this new season because as far as I'm concerned, the show ended the moment that the hero didn't kill the villain.
And I realized that they didn't kill the villain probably because the producers realized that he is popular.
He's the most popular character.
He shows up in Mortal Kombat.
He shows up in all these other things and they didn't kill him.
And so for me, that now has become an unwatchable show.
But I'm still curious about what happens, right?
Even though the show's initial premise and its tension has been compromised for the sake of keeping a popular character and it has continued its story past its natural conclusion.
And I feel that has led to a decline in quality, right?
despite my disappointment in that, I'm still curious about the plot developments.
I'm still curious about the character arcs.
And knowing what will happen will allow me to participate in the cultural discussion.
It allows me to be a part of the zeitgeist, right?
Which is something that I want to do.
I am somebody who talks about media.
I'm somebody who talks about and engages in the discourse around this media.
And even though I don't want to watch it, I want to be able to critique the show.
I want to be able to critique the show's direction, and I want to be knowledgeable about that.
And so if I could take a pill that puts the Boys Season 4 in my brain without actually having to put in the eight hours to do it, I would do that.
I disagree with you about The Boys, but that's a different story.
I don't think that's worth going into right now, but I do agree with you on that.
Yeah, I do agree with you on that.
I think I want to jump in a lot of things and give you a comment.
I don't want Niko to finish the sentences.
I'm going to jump in and give you another Devil's Advocate on my part.
Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I was also thinking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe because I thought of that while M was talking that this was not planned.
None of this is scripted.
Just kidding.
All of this is scripted.
For audio listeners, Chris just pulled up a notepad and laughed at it.
But so I love Marvel, but even I'll admit a lot of their newer stuff, you have to have done a lot of homework to really get the most out of.
Especially the case, maybe especially the case in a different way with their newest movie Deadpool and Wolverine, which asks you not only to have knowledge of all.
How many movies are in the MCU?
Let me see.
How many movies in the MCU?
12, 14, like it's insane.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, so which kind of asks you to have 34 movies worth of knowledge.
But on top of that, also knowledge of previous Fox movies, which is at least 15, maybe.
That's why I'm unlikely to watch that movie.
Yeah, that's a lot of content to have to watch.
And if you could take a pill and you could say, look, all right, so here's Marvel phase one, two, three, and I mean, I guess if you have to watch four, right?
And you just take the pill and you swallow it down, and boy, some of those are going to be real bitter pills to swallow.
But once they're down, bam, you got it.
You now can have a discussion.
You can go watch a Deadpool.
You can go and you can talk with your friends.
You can be like, yeah, I guess they really did do that Easter egg there, huh?
Instead of having to Google it, or how many times ending of movie explained Reddit, right?
Like that shouldn't be a search term that is so common, but it has to be because you haven't seen all of this stuff.
And there's so much media out there.
There's so much media out there.
The MCU is really relevant, but it only highlights the worst, right?
There is so much stuff.
There is so much stuff every single day.
On YouTube alone, right?
There's some 500 hours, hours uploaded every second.
That's crazy.
500 hours a second.
How can you ever keep up with it?
It's actually impossible.
So, you know, you add in Net...
I'm sorry.
You add in Netflix, you add in Hulu, you add in Prime, you add in Max, you add in Disney, you add in Yaddy Yaddy.
And oh, I want to keep up with even five different things.
Well, it's impossible.
It's impossible.
Oh, well, I want to watch the Apple TV stuff.
Well, you know, that sucks.
Cause I don't have time for that.
It's a good point.
Oh, I want to be able to catch a...
I didn't watch Game of thrones, but I want to watch this House of Dragons that everybody's talking about.
Well, there's eight seasons.
Eight seasons?
70 hours?
Well, you don't have to watch all of it.
Okay, but everybody else did, and they'll understand these things.
So I think that there is sort of I care more about the discussion around a show than the show itself sometimes.
There's certainly shows that I enjoy because I enjoy them, but sometimes I just want to be able to join in on the conversation about a popular show, even if I don't enjoy watching it.
And you know where you can join in to the conversation?
That's right.
Tell me where, Niko.
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That's right.
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And starting today, I want to engage the audience a little bit.
How was that segue into the plug?
Rate us in a scale from one to ten in the chat or in the comments.
That's a good point.
Was that a good segue?
Who knows?
Was that a good segue?
Tell us.
Just type a number.
doesn't matter.
You don't even have to say out of ten.
Just a number.
And speaking of numbers.
And speaking of numbers.
Speaking of numbers.
Em, continue.
I get what he's saying though, because it's like I don't ever want to watch more of The Walking Dead, but I sure do love hearing about all the nonsense that happened in the 30 shows of The Walking Dead since The Walking Dead, right?
That's a good example.
There's a lot of great examples of The Walking Dead.
There's a lot of seasons of The Walking Dead.
I kind of want to know how the hell they got Daryl to New York, right?
The difference is whether or not you're going to agree with Trav here, right, in that you could just read the wiki, right?
I'm not so much talking about that because you could just read the wiki if you just want to know why he gets there.
What I'm talking about is that sometimes the media discussions, right?
They touch on broader societal issues and themes, and being a part of those conversations can help somebody stay connected, right?
You can stay connected with your friend.
You can stay connected with your colleagues.
You're part of the discussion around it.
I personally can gain insights from other people's perspectives and I can participate in discussions, and that can allow me to exercise critical thinking, right?
And my analysis skills, and that's important to me.
So, not only can I stay connected with somebody, not only can I, you know, work out my own critical thinking and my own analysis, and not only can I gain insights from other people, all of these things require me to understand the popular media, right?
It requires me to stay culturally relevant and culturally informed, and I don't really want to watch another Zack Snyder movie.
It is true.
You got to stay up.
And I think, okay, but it does come back to, like, I think if you take the least common denominator of this, right, and boil it down to, like, its purest form, like, I sort of wish time just, like, didn't progress sometimes, where it's like, true, like, okay, if you think about it, the past is just the memory and the future is not even real.
All that matters is the present moment, bro.
But that's the thing, right, it's like, taking a pill to, you know, taking a pill to consume X media or Y media, right?
It's like, that then is like, okay, well, I don't want to spend time, like, doing anything.
Because it's like, if it implants, never mind, I'm getting too far into the weeds.
But the point being that, like, yeah, I also wish I had enough time in the day to consume some things.
Ton of things that I wish I could talk to people about, but I haven't seen, like, to your point, and I also, like, you know, for me, it's a little bit less about the critical thinking aspect of it.
However, that is, like a literary analysis does appeal to me.
That's something I do on pretty much every, you know, scripted story type content or music or whatever, right, that I listen to.
I would love to take a pill and just have Limp Bizkit's entire discography like in my head, you know, just because of how much time it takes.
But I think for me, it's more of a, it's less of a like, I want to be involved in, like, the discussion.
And it's more of a, I want to have listened to all of Limp Bizkit in a condensed amount of time.
Hi, yes, thank you.
I have a question.
Do people listen to music at 2X speed to experience it faster?
Because that sounds crazy.
I really, I feel like that's where it came from.
It's starting to become a trend.
Like, I don't know if you guys noticed this, but it's like there's, so because of TikTok, a lot of songs will blow up either at nightcore.
It's just nightcore.
It is just nightcore.
But it's like either at two times speed or at the or a half speed.
So it's nightcore, it's vaporwave, and people now, the artists are smartened up to it, so they're just uploading, like the single of the track is now the single, the sped up version and the slowed down version.
So, kind of.
That's so lame.
I'm sorry, I have to draw the facade for a moment where I'm like, oh, that's so gross.
But that's a triple dip, you get three plays.
Exactly, they got a triple dip.
I totally get it from a business perspective.
That makes perfect sense.
But the pretentious Kojima part of my brain is like, oh.
And I'll say this, some songs are better sped up or slowed down.
I will say that.
I found some songs.
Oh, so low.
I'm sorry.
What was their name?
Oh, God.
Chapel Roan?
No, God.
Sabrina Carpenter?
I can't remember.
I'm going to have to come back.
Tori Clinton.
No, not that one.
Oh, man.
But yeah, I like Vaporwave.
Vaporwave is very, very interesting genre of music that actually does tie in to this.
Invented by Yu Suzuki, I believe.
But yes, Vaporwave was invented by a japanese video game designer.
I want to say it was Yu Suzuki.
That one makes sense.
I want to go on a tangent.
Whenever the topic of Vaporwave is brought up, a lot of people bring up the, I'm going to say alleged because I don't know it, not because it might not be true.
The alleged anti-capitalist message of it originally, was that specifically a Vaporwave thing or was that more just a buzzword from people trying to capitalize off of it.
I think that was people just-
Outrun, yeah, the guy who did Outrun, exactly.
Yeah, okay, Outrun, that's right.
Outrun and Vaporwave are like very interlinked, and also Synthwave as well.
Hiroshi Kawaguchi, that's it.
That makes sense.
So the guy who did Outrun, and this, you can see why I thought Yu Suzuki-
That makes more sense.
Yeah, so Outrun, who was designed by Yu Suzuki, right?
The guy who did the music on it is the inventor of Vaporwave.
That makes sense to me.
yes, yes, yes.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to, and I apologize so much to anybody who's listening to this on the audio realms.
I'm so sorry for just taking it and making it a weird time for the last 60 seconds.
No, no, no, no.
honestly, this is like a good, it's information.
It's a good back and forth that we haven't had in a while, to be honest with you.
I love it.
I think, so to answer Travis' question, the anti-capitalist message thing, I think comes from Macintosh Plus, if I'm not mistaken, where it's like, they did this whole thing of like, they just took the Whitney Houston song or Sheryl Crow or whatever.
I forget who it was.
It was like one of those types of singer.
And like, slowed it down, and that's the whole song.
They didn't really do anything to it, Macintosh Plus.
And what they did was like, you know, their imagery was all very like, weirdly modernistic and like, yeah, consumer-y, like, advertise-y, but as a statement, right?
And that was just that one person.
I think people took that one person and extrapolated it out to the entire genre.
I also had some weird one-off things like St.
Pepsi was a big name, but he got sent a cease and desist by Pepsi, so we couldn't use the name for a long time.
I don't think that helped in that realm either.
And then you get people, because then you get people like a blank banshee, right?
Who does like a vapor trap type of deal?
And that's like, their whole image is like, kind of outrunny, right?
Like it's almost 80s kind of vibe, and it's really cool, but it's not all anti-capitalist, it's not all of it.
Is there pro-capitalist vaporwave?
Just don't open a market, okay?
Okay, yeah, perhaps I will make something like that for the Patreon, I'll make a capitalist vaporwave song.
I do want to finish my thought before I was interrupted earlier, but-
Who were you?
I was, I was very rudely interrupted.
Rudely interrupted.
Tell me more.
I'm saying how rude it was now.
It happened.
I think we should interrupt you, Ruder.
Rude, rudelier.
Rude, rudelier.
I just want to say that life is short, right?
And I think I feel like I say that a lot on this, actually.
Maybe I say it a lot in general, is just that life is short.
And so I prefer to allocate my time to media that genuinely interests me.
Or entertains me.
And I can appreciate the storyline and themes of a show without necessarily watching every minute.
And I feel like this is the same for a lot of games and a lot of TV shows.
It is a question of balancing in-depth engagement with some content and a surface-level knowledge of others, which I feel allows me to have that broader media perspective without feeling obligated to finish something or feeling like I'm wasting my time, right?
Given the opportunity to download, maybe, let's say a podcast, for example, right?
Let's say that you have 70 hours of a podcast out there, and you don't want to listen to all 70 hours, but you still want to be able to understand the inside joke, right?
You want to be able to say, oh, that thing that happened in episode two that they're referencing, oh, that's really funny.
Well, you know what?
Being able to be selective about how you're investing your time and your emotional energy and just taking a download of the entirety of Crubcast and being able to be like, oh, yeah, Virginia Beach.
That's a story that people won't necessarily get if they weren't there for that thing, but it's there and it's out there and not being able to understand it.
That's a good reason to listen to every episode of the Crubcast and take notes.
But not everybody is going to do that, right?
And that means that you're missing out on something and that sucks.
And I get it.
And I super understand.
And I don't think that you need to treat everything like art, because while everything can have an artistic intent, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is fine art.
You know, like there there is a little bit of the Andy Warhol or the cause here where like, yeah, it is commercial art and it's intended to be vandalized and graffitied on.
And you're not supposed to take it seriously.
You're supposed to look at it and go, yeah, that's a cereal box.
That is very interesting, actually.
Like, I've had like graphic designer friends who have, I promise I'm connecting this.
I've had graphic designer friends who've come to me and been like, yeah, you know, we've talked about like our creative processes together, right?
And it's like, it's not exactly the same, but like for them, they'll be like, yeah, you know, it's about being like creative, but like for a client.
So it is kind of corporatized art.
And so I see what you're saying.
Like some things are just like, perhaps less of a vision and more of a product.
It's a question of, so when we talk about game preservation, cause I bring this up a lot in some of my videos, not every game needs to be preserved because not every game is actually all that good or important.
And I know that that is entirely subjective, but do you really need to spend the time and effort to save every single patch of every single game?
Do you need to have access to every single, every single patch that ever had for World of Warcraft?
I would argue, and this is like important because I think there's a crucial piece that we're missing here.
And, or at least in that, right?
Which is that something could just be somebody's favorite thing.
And so for me, I'm like, yeah, we should probably preserve more rather than less if we're given the ability to.
Because like, you know, I think about it in terms of music, right?
Like I'm making an equivocation here, but like some new metal bands, right?
Let's say new metal is a good example of this because it was once seen as a dying genre, and it's now sort of back and being preserved and and what have you.
But there are some new metal bands that just straight up are like not memorable, not very good, really derivative.
But that could be someone's favorite thing.
And it's and for me, I'm like, if we can preserve that, why not?
But also, like to our point about like this topic, I wouldn't necessarily want to go and listen to the entire discography of.
X or Y new metal, yeah, right.
Name and shame one.
Who would you get rid of?
Who would you get rid of?
Name and shame.
Name and shame one.
Name and shame.
Well, to be honest with you, their names are not like I had been looking them up and they just weren't memorable enough for me to keep them in my in my short term or long term memory.
Just delete them all is what I'm hearing.
Yeah, no, no, not delete them all.
It's just I, my mind has been flooded with just like, because the thing is, I'll listen to like one song and be like, that was all right and then move on.
Like I won't delve any deeper is I'm like, that was fine.
You know, there, there is, I think a difference between there was a vice article a couple of years ago that I made a lot of fun of because the author played Nioh or Nier.
I can't remember.
I always get the two mixed up and it had an auto battler mode where you could turn it on and it would just do everything for you.
And the reviewer wrote that they believed that this should be in every game.
And I think intent is really important for this because I will tell you that I disagree very vehemently with this, this particular reviewer, but it's the reason why I disagree with them.
Because I don't disagree that Auto Battler should be in any game that wants to be.
I've always been on the, when it comes to like difficulty in a Dark Souls game, I don't care if it's easy.
I don't think that that actually represents the true blood of the game, right?
I don't think that the identity of the game is entirely tied up with how hard it is to beat because difficulty is entirely individual and subjective.
A game that is very hard for me to beat could be very easy for you to beat.
We can talk about Niko playing Doom Eternal sometime if you want to have a discussion about how subjective difficulty truly is, because it is very subjective.
So I don't have a problem with an auto battler that plays the entire game for you and turns the entire thing into a movie where you're just watching battles happen and then you click through and get to do some story.
I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with this particular reviewer because of the intent behind it.
The intent behind it was, I wish every game had an auto battler because then I could review video games faster without having to actually play them.
And I recognize that what I'm saying in some ways is very similar to that, right?
There is this sort of, look, I want to be able to engage with the discussion here, but I'm not talking about it in terms of a professional engagement.
I want to make that clear.
I don't want to write a review of a movie because I downloaded the movie into my brain instantaneously.
What I want to be able to do is sit at, you know, a rib roast out in the middle of, you know, darkened Pennsylvania surrounded by a bunch of people drinking and be able to have a discussion about Spongebob, which I've never seen and probably never will.
That's a really good point.
You are messing out.
I want to have that experience.
And so I want to be able to have that experience.
I want to be able to satisfy my curiosity without having this significant time commitment.
I want to be able to focus on the things that actually interest me in the plot points.
I want to be able to talk about how the character developed from season one to season eight.
I don't care about every six minutes.
And I recognize that there are a lot of people who are going to look at that and go, oh, well, you're missing the finer points of it.
And I'm saying no, the finer points aren't there for me.
I don't care about the exact reason why the bob is a sponge.
I don't care.
I just want to talk about what he did.
I want to be able to understand what people talk about, the old worm who screams about chocolate or whatever it is.
Trav, what do you think about this sentiment, Trav?
Has this opened up any new thoughts for you on this?
Because I know that you brought it up originally.
We've submitted Trav's opinion.
Well, I'm just telling you, are you still like art is art and shouldn't be consumed at any more time speed, or are you like...
So the way that I approach it isn't going to change.
I am a pretentious piece of shit who will think that art is art.
You know, I don't care if it's made to sell me toys.
I'm still going to experience it because at least one person on board probably had a vision for how they wanted this to go.
I'm going to watch the new Transformers movie at 25% speed.
So, I lost my train of thought.
It has Chris Hemsworth in it.
You just want to maximize the amount of time he's on screen?
Yeah, well, I mean, it's an animated movie, and he's voicing Optimus now.
So, we get to hear Thor go, I get a bubby prime.
Well, actually, Trav, you would hear him go, I get an Optimus Prime.
Yeah, there you go.
That's all I want.
But no, I went into this knowing Em's perspective before hand, because we talked about it briefly.
So, I knew the points he was going to make vaguely, but he does bring up good points.
I already was ready to respect any opposing opinions, because how someone feels about art is not entirely indicative of more important factors of their life.
I doubt someone who is going to watch a movie at three times speed is going to also then go vote to take my rights away.
Like, I don't think it's that big of a deal.
I was not prepared for that to be...
That just kind of came out of nowhere, yeah.
Well, no, that's kind of my point, though.
But like, you know, it's not that big of a deal.
And I was prepared to respect that.
That said, M, you've changed my mind.
Damn it.
Swear jar.
Swear jar.
You know what, Trav?
I'd vote to take your rights away.
I think I just changed my mind.
No, no.
He was about to say something for me.
You need to let him continue.
No, no, that was it.
I was going to say, M, I think you're entirely wrong.
I am going to vote to take your rights away.
Which I don't even know how I do, but you know.
I have some ideas.
But no, I think that this is something that I more or less just wanted to get your guys' opinion on, because that Twitter video really screwed me up.
It was especially egregious.
To be clear, his take was crazy, right?
The way that he was doing it, him specifically, the idea that I will watch something on 3X while also iPad getting off to the side, and double tapping the arrows to the interesting part.
You don't know where the interesting part is.
There is a difference between what I am saying, which is that I wish I could experience everything without the time investment, and what he is doing, which is, I wish that I could have ADHD more, right?
I wish I could have less fun watching this.
He wants to inject ADHD.
Chris, do you have a, do you, what's your, no, hold on, I'm taking this from Chris.
I'm going to continue my thought.
So, here's, here's, sorry, I'm having fun this podcast.
I need to be like this every week.
So, anyways, please subscribe to Crub.
Chris, what's your thought?
I didn't get to hear the question.
No, I was going to say, like, so, so, we've, we didn't come back to you since we started talking about this idea of just, like, consuming art in, like, you know, for, for casual conversation, you know, in a second.
Like, what do you, what do you think about that?
I think I said it last week with the Marvel episode, because there was a time where I was watching those.
Just to keep up with what people were saying, because I had no idea what anyone was talking about.
So I started watching them and I just hit a point of like, I don't care about the conversation, actually, and I stopped watching it.
And it's kind of been that way.
That's where I end up being too, with Marvel specifically, right?
Where it's like, I don't want to watch three more Ant-Men and the whole candy thing.
I just don't want to watch them beat up a bunch of blue people so I can go listen to people be like, wow, the Shuji was really bad.
Excuse me, that blue guy has a name.
His name is Mary Poppins.
I don't want to hear about watching the Marvels.
I don't want to watch any.
I don't want to watch Moon Knight.
I don't want to watch Moon Knight, and I'm never going to.
What's Moon Knight?
And the thing is, I'm with you on that, which is why I think that the problem is, right?
I think Chris, that maybe if you could just take a pill, that-
I just don't care in the first place.
I'm like, you know what?
But you might care a little bit more.
You might be able to care.
I want the ability to choose to care.
I want the option to care.
That's a really strong point actually.
It's like, I want to make the decision for myself.
But then the question is, just watch it.
Yeah, just watch it.
That's true.
For the movies, for the series, it's like, I don't know what a moon night is.
Maybe if I took the pill, then I'd care.
No one knows what a moon night is.
Yeah, no one knows.
Nobody cares.
I was the one person.
How do you like it?
I was the one person.
I actually really like moon night.
If anyone wants a recommendation for a moon night run.
Hey, Chris, how do you feel?
What's a moon night run?
Moon night?
Yeah, a comic book run.
Oh, I thought you were like, we're going to go out and run together.
And that's like, I'm a little too unhealthy for that one.
You run at moon night.
You run at the night of the moon.
It's like the scene at the beginning of Winter Soldier when he goes on your left.
Did you see that?
Did you see Winter Soldier?
I did see Winter Soldier.
We have audio listeners, Trav.
Oh, sorry.
Um, I thought you meant going on a moon night run as in like speed running the show.
We could have three times speed.
Let's do it.
Yeah, three times speed and skip to the interesting parts.
That said, I do want to plug one thing for the audience.
It won't be for a bit, but I'm working on a MCU Two Truths, One Lie event that I'm going to be holding for people here at Crub who are less marvel-ly in touch.
Oh, yeah.
And I think that's going to be a lot of fun.
Stay tuned for that.
I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to separate it into three parts that we will record on separate occasions.
The first one will be public, and then the second two will be Patreon exclusive.
And you can catch that.
Yeah, on our Patreon.
What is it?
Well, I mean, I suppose.
Not official, just Crub.
I suppose we could, if we wanted to use that as a segue to.
Segue to the Patreon question of the week.
We get Patreon questions?
Fellas, yeah.
Well, OK, I guess before we go, before we go.
Nico, I'm going to interrupt your point.
Is there any closing thoughts that we have on the subject of speeding through things, anything that people wanted to get off their chest?
I wish I had an attention span.
Dude, me too, bro.
M, how are you feeling?
I just want to say that I feel that I have proven how valid my point of view is.
I am easily the most eloquent at describing how good I am at everything.
And I think that we should celebrate me more.
Can someone speed up what he just said?
I don't know.
I lost.
Yeah, you lost me.
You lost me a third of the way through that.
Can someone use a third party plug-in that gets rid of all of like the pauses in between sentences?
So he just talks really fast.
Okay, we can experiment with that.
I need a pill for what M just said right now.
So many pill mentions this episode.
Yeah, dude.
Talking about drugs today, everybody.
Yeah, yeah, it's time for me to pop the boys.
Wake up, honey.
It's time to pop the boys season four.
Well, this one time at magfest.
Anyway, that's right.
A question of the week.
Niko, Niko, question of the week.
Stop it.
No, sorry.
Niko, play us out.
We're not.
Play us to the Patreon question.
OK, folks.
So if if you would like to ask a Patreon question of the week, you can visit us, patreon.com/crub, where you can ask as many questions as you want.
And we need more of them.
So please ask them.
We happen to have one today.
Also, hold on, I'm going to jump in real quick.
You can ask one for a minimum, minimum, one dollar a month.
No, that's not right.
I don't think that's true.
What is it actually?
Is it two?
No, it's like five.
It's two dollars.
Five dollars.
Let me speak, because I know what I'm talking about.
Two dollars a month.
Or if you're a Twitch sub or YouTube member, you can get into the Discord.
It's pinned in Crubscriber updates in our channel.
But for two dollars a month, if you're like, I just want to hear them talk about the best breakfast item at Shoney's, 30 fast food restaurants, we might get to them in five years.
Fill it up.
For a minimum of free via Twitch Prime.
What a zero out of ten transition.
All right.
This week comes from Chef Kilo, who fittingly asks, what would be your last meal?
Oh, man.
So my last meal.
No, my last meal would be Niko.
Oh, true.
I wasn't expecting that.
I'm just imagining Trav with a bib in the electric chair.
He's like five hours into eating Niko, and they're just looking at it.
It's like, we got to respect what he wants.
If there's any artists in chat, we need thumbnail art.
He's like, hmm, belly button.
We don't.
So, I'm lebanese, and there's a lot of excellent, excellent lebanese food, but I think like my final meal would be, we eat a raw beef.
We, yeah, me and my family and friends that I grew up in.
Are you all dying?
You're in prison, you're going to die.
No, I'm saying this is a thing.
Oh, so you're dividing them to your execution.
No, I'm saying this is a thing that we eat regularly as of right now that I would like as my final meal.
I thought you were dividing them to your execution.
That's less exciting.
We eat like, so it's called kibi, and it's just like raw beef with spices and peppers and onions and burqa wheat like mixed in, right?
And it's super, super good.
You just eat it raw as like a spread with olive oil, sometimes an onion on some pita bread.
And it is wonderful.
And I can down that for days and days and days.
Moriarty, last meal.
You know, if I'm given the opportunity to have anything, I guess I'd like to have the prefix from the French Laundry.
That would be, that would be a nice last meal.
There's multiple reasons there, not the least of which is that it would take like a year to get in.
So I'm staying my own execution a little bit.
But also, right, I'm going to cost them $2,000, which I feel like is the appropriate amount of money to charge for murdering me.
That's a good point, actually.
And it's going to take like six hours to eat, right?
Because it's like, I don't know, 17 courses or something like that.
So I think that's what I would like.
It's valid.
In line with Nico, I'm from Maryland.
So I would make them import a pizza from Dayton, Ohio, from Marion's Piazza, because I like the pizza, and I don't get to have it anymore.
So hopefully it would arrive good.
Trav, if I were going to kill you, and the clock was to your head, and you're like, Chris, please, just one thing for me, bro.
And I was like, all right, but what would you want?
12-pack of donuts from CVS.
You know, that's so valid.
No, so, OK.
I was trying to think of a...
I've been trying to think of a serious answer.
And I cannot, for the life of me, think of one.
I'm such a basic bitch when it comes to food.
I'm sorry.
I'm the least interesting person to talk about with this, because if someone uses spices right, I'm just like, oh, chef's kiss.
Actually, Trav's...
As someone who grew up in a half-white, half-Mexican house, allegedly, you know, like, the spices, the spices, you only get that like 50 times of the week.
I'm sorry, 50% of the week, you know.
So I think, I think your last meal should be softshell crab.
I could finally enjoy it.
It would be your last meal.
I could finally enjoy it.
We got you close.
Trav just eats like softshell crab on death row, and he's just like...
That's a good point.
I could finally eat the things that kill me, or at least make me uncomfortable.
Or make you stronger.
I could drink a gallon of milk with some softshell crab.
What else am I allergic to?
A whole block of softshell crab.
Let's put all that out there so that people can give it to you.
I mean, the only thing that I'm apparently definitely allergic to is consuming softshell meat.
Or sorry, just any kind of shellfish.
Softshell meat.
Sorry, crab, shellfish.
Let's see.
What else am I?
I swear I was allergic to that.
No, you're good.
My dad was allergic to strawberries, so I'll probably get to that point sometimes.
And then what I can do today is drink a whole fish.
All right.
Thank you for watching, everybody.
Thank you for watching.
If you'd like to drink a whole fish.
I will say I like.
If you liked this episode, Nico, what's up?
Well, I was going to say I like that we went like how like some of us were like very sentimental about like this is a specific place or a thing that we like to eat.
And then Ems was like, well, I want to be alive for as long as possible.
So I'm going to have the most costly and time consuming meal that I possibly can.
And then it would also be delicious.
I'm sure 100 percent.
I mean, I don't doubt.
Well, because that's the thing, right?
Like I kind of have a secondary answer, which would be like a tomahawk steak.
I've never had a tomahawk steak, and I'm interested as to whether like it actually is like good in comparison to like, I don't know, like a.
Like a ribeye, you know, which I do think is the best cut of steak ribs.
You know, ribs.
Oh, Chris, you can have ribs as your last meal.
You could finally have some ribs.
Maybe they would get maybe that would get you longer.
Maybe that would get you to go to the prison in the first place.
I'm just kidding you.
I'm only going to go if they got the ribs, you know.
I'm only going to go if they got the ribs.
Thank you for joining us, everybody.
Let us know if you listen to this on.5132 speed, and we will judge you in the comments.
And maybe we won't reply to you.
Just write it.
Just comment down a number.
And that's the speed that you listen to this at.
Ooh, retroactive.
I like it.
Bonus points if you have decimals that use a maximum two decimal places.
Yeah, two sig figs.
Is a point without the bone a boneless point?
I'm going to end the podcast.
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